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Eve's Place Inc.
Safe Zone
Main Office: 623-537-5380
Toll-Free:    844-301-7908
Seal Of Transparency
Empowering Victims of Abuse
Eve`s Place Community Services

Assistance for Victims of Domestic, Sexual and Teen Dating Abuse in Maricopa County, AZ

Our Mission
Supporting Any Victim of Domestic, Sexual and Teen Dating Abuse By Increasing Access To Services Through Mobile Advocacy. 

Local Program Service Number:  623-537-5380

Eve's Place Toll Free Number: 844-301-7908  

Emergency: 911


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Why Donate to Eve’s Place

Date period is 7/1/2020 through 6/30/2021

824 Total Clients Served

259 Sexual Assault Victims/Survivors

242 Transports to Services/Appointments

2,425 Hours of Legal Advocacy Provided

103 Teen Victims/Survivors


The cost of one holiday food box for a family of 3-4


The cost to relocate a victim by Greyhound bus out of state for his or her safety.


 The cost to provide a day of mobile advocacy.


Cost to provide Therapeutic Supplies for hands on group activities during virtual support groups.


The cost of an advocate working for a week
“I’ve had a lot of growth. My Advocate has given me a lot. She is teaching me to not fear what I can accomplish, not to fear rejection, to be open and overcome that and not fear anything. I can do it!”

“I wanted to find some peace. I can cry here. I don’t have to hide my tears.”

“I would have committed suicide. I’m not going to do it.”

“Without Eve’s Place I would probably still be with my abuser, I can’t imagine not having this.”

“They listen but never tell me what to do. They tell me it needs to be my decision, which maks it a little harder. They are helpful without being bossy.”

“I’m so grateful. When I am in a better place I want to give back what I have received.”

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart, The program gave me life and I am extremely appreciative.”

Shop and Donate at the same time?

Now you can shop at Fry's Food Stores and help fight Domestic Abuse at the same time!
Eve's Place is pleased to announce our partnership with both smile.amazon.com and goodshop.com
Purple Heart - Abuse Assistance, Eve's Place Community Services, Sun City, AZ
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