• StatusNot Verified
  • Form of BusinessCompany
  • In Business Since2009

Business Description

We were the first company to focus exclusively on paleo desserts (back in '09), and we are working to disrupt one of the biggest and most powerful industries in the world: Big Sugar. Our goal in the world of dessert is to make the finale to your meal as healthy as the appetizer and to make sure that your desserts taste as good or better than anything else you could make with "cheat" ingredients.

Started in May 2009, we have grown from making batches of cookies in a small kitchen to operating out of a commercial bakery. Although we've grown tremendously since starting we still ship every package ourselves (an excuse to continually sample Paleo Treats®).

We use the finest ingredients we can find, we keep it local as much as possible and while we're focused on selling "healthy" cookies if they don't taste the same or better than their standard equivalent, we won't make it.

We are based out of Southern California and when we're not working at Paleo Treats we're probably sleeping, or crushing another gym rat workout, or installing a rainwater catchment system while softly cursing, or blacksmithing in the garage, or surfing with friends, or hiking (preferably in Patagonia), or gardening in our (of course) totally organic garden.

Whatever we're doing, it's damnably good to be doing it. Hopefully our customers are engaged in similar pursuits, although there are no requirements to enjoy Paleo desserts other than appreciation for the finer things in life.

Whether you are gluten intolerant (our desserts are certified gluten free) or can't drink milk or are just intent on fueling your body with the cleanest food you can find and are jonesing for dessert, you've come to the right place.

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