Contident is a dental clinic operating in Budapest, Hungary, providing full dental services for foreign patients. Contident's prices are 50-60% better compared to USA, UK and other European countries.
Evolution MD is a fully integrated Institute for Aesthetic and cosmetic surgery. We perform out-patient cosmetic procedures in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. We take pride in providing our clients with fast recovery, and great results. Our most common procedures include laser therapy for hair removal, skin rejuvenation, stretch marks, cellulite, spot removal, liposuction with laser lipo-sculpture, fat transfer with butt enhancement, fat transfer to face and breasts, breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, face lift, rhinoplasty, vaginal rejuvenation, hair transplant and much more. All the plastic surgeries and reconstructive procedures are done by Board Certified Plastic Surgeons.