• StatusNot Verified
  • Form of BusinessPrivate
  • In Business Since2012

Business Description

We make the best stories we can, and then give them away. No copyrights.

We want to make money selling books instead of downloads. The more our stories are downloaded and shared for free the better.

Brothers Whim Business Model

Reach as many readers as possible. The more people who read our stories for free the better, because some will want to buy hardcover versions.

Open Content

We’re all about open content. We release everything under a Creative Commons Attibution-ShareAlike license. This means you’re free to copy, remix, and redistribute our stuff without any need for permissions or royalties. We only ask 2 favors in return:

1.Mention our name.

2.Share your derivative works with others, like we did with you.

What can you do with our books?

Anything you want. That’s what. Here are some ideas to get you started:

- Print our books and sell them yourself. Get rich. Zero permissions or royalties required.

- Remix our stories into your own awesome versions. Sell your remixes and get rich. Send us a link, and we’ll help you share your work!

- Invent a new way for blind children to enjoy picture books and print our stories in 3D.

Open Educational Resources

OER are one of the awesome side effects of Creative Commons licensing. This revolutionary approach to licensing sets ideas free to be reused and repurposed for the benefit of the whole world. Watch these videos and catch the vision! Then help us spread the word about the awesomeness of OER!

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BrothersWhim was registered on BitcoinWide as one that accept cryptocurrency on August2018. Looking for other Book publisher where you can pay with cryptocurrency? 

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