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  • Form of BusinessCompany
  • In Business Since2008

Business Description

The Cloudzy story begins with a young entrepreneur and developer looking to start a business matching his talents. Hannan had gotten skilled in Virtual Machine technology, so that would have to be a part of it. He began spending time researching business opportunities he could tap. His curiosity got him thinking about Virtual Private Servers, a type of hosting becoming gradually popular at the time. The other component came from his belief that even the average person should be able to use new technologies despite having no technical knowledge. 2008 saw RouterHosting grow from these two ingredients, aiming to make VPS hosting and Remote Desktop connections easy and affordable.

Like other companies, RouterHosting started small, with just one server location. But moving with a singular focus, it soon grew beyond our expectations. In 2012, we extended our services to 15 data centers around the world. Everything started to scale and in 2018, we had 10k satisfied customers. In 2020 we were offering simple but practical VPS hosting solutions at 17+ global locations on three continents.

Late 2021 has been a turning point in our story. In anticipation of the upcoming changes to our infrastructure and cloud-based products, RouterHosting has started to evolve. The first step in our journey has been taken by our rebranding to Cloudzy. Continue to watch our story unfold as we take Cloudzy to new levels.

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