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  • Form of BusinessCompany

Business Description

How it works for seller

1.Seller upload files to server, specify his Bitcoin address and price

2.Share link to the box to potential buyers


How it works for the buyer

1.Buyer click the "buy" button

2.He will get new unique address* for his payment only

3.After sending his payment and network confirmation system will allow downloading files

4.Amount with subtracted fee is sent to seller automatically

* there are two reasons why we generate new addresses instead of using seller address. Main reason is that we need to identify payment author (via pairing box url, generated address and buyer browser cookie) - we would not recognize who made the payment and who to allow download otherwise. Second reason is that it would be very simple to identify how many times was files actually sold just by searching in blockchain which is not desired for most of sellers

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SatoshiBox was registered on BitcoinWide as one that accept cryptocurrency on August2018. Looking for other File's trading service where you can pay with cryptocurrency? 
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