How to buy Ferrari with Bitcoin in 2023

Are you interested to buy a Ferrari with Bitcoin? If so, you’re in the right place! Purchasing such a car with crypto can be a convenient and secure option for those who prefer to use cryptocurrency for their transactions. Despite some potential challenges, many individuals and businesses are accepting Bitcoin as a valid form of payment. If you’re wondering ‘can I buy a Ferrari with Bitcoin?’, here’s what you need to know. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of using Bitcoin to purchase a Ferrari, as well as provide a step-by-step guide on how to do it. Additionally, we’ll provide a list of businesses where you can buy a Ferrari with Bitcoin.

Buy Ferrari with Bitcoin: Pros & cons

Pros of buying a Ferrari with Bitcoin include:

  1. Lower fees: Bitcoin transactions typically have lower fees associated with them compared to traditional payment methods, which can be especially beneficial for large purchases like a Ferrari.
  2. Fast transactions: Bitcoin transactions can be processed much faster than traditional payment methods, making it a convenient option for those looking to make a quick purchase.
  3. Anonymity: Bitcoin transactions do not require personal information to be disclosed, which can be appealing to those who value their privacy.
  4. Security: Bitcoin is known for its high level of security, giving buyers peace of mind when making a large purchase like a Ferrari.

There is only one serious con:

A small number of dealers and sellers accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. This number is expanding, but compared to other payment options, it could be harder to find a retailer or car dealer who accepts BTC. But here is when BitcoinWide comes to help. 

How to buy Ferrari with Bitcoin

BitcoinWide helps find businesses that accept crypto payments. We have a wide choice of online and offline stores all around the world, from small bakeries to, yes, Ferrari salons. To find a needed business on BitcoinWide, you can use one out of 4 options:

Once you did your research and found a dealer you are interested in, just visit their chop or online site where you will be offered to complete the purchase in cryptocurrency. We know this because we checked the shops on our website before listing them. 

A list of businesses where you can buy a Ferrari with Bitcoin

To help you a little bit, here is some research from us:


In conclusion, people who like using Bitcoin for their transactions have a real choice in the form of purchasing a Ferrari using BTC. Research is essential, as well as carefully weighing your choices. Make sure the transaction is carried out over a safe channel and seek out reputed dealers or merchants who accept BTC as payment or use BitcoinWide for this. By using BTC as a simple and safe payment method, you can use it to turn your goal of owning a Ferrari into reality.

FAQ: How to buy Ferrari with Bitcoin

Can I buy a Ferrari with Bitcoin?

Yes, you can buy a Ferrari with Bitcoin. In fact, many individuals and businesses are accepting Bitcoin as a valid form of payment for luxury items like Ferraris. While there may be some challenges and risks to consider when using Bitcoin for purchases, it can be a convenient and secure option for those who prefer to use cryptocurrency.

Is it safe to buy a Ferrari with BTC?

Yes, it is generally safe to buy a Ferrari with BTC as long as you take the necessary precautions and choose a reputable merchant. BitcoinWide will help you choose such a seller and check the validity of their business for you. 

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